Welcome to Tastes Like Retirement!

Thank you for visiting my new blog!

This site is for anyone and everyone! Whether you are a wanna be retired (both young and not so young) person or a current retiree, you’ll be following the journey of a 57 year-old man (Mr. TLR) and his 58 year-old wife (Mrs. TLR) that got a late start on retirement planning, made lots of investment mistakes, and has been focused on raising kids and getting them through college. It’s our turn to focus on us and get serious about retiring.

Mr. TLR has been employed with the same company for the last 20 years. In fact, I just noticed that today is my 20th anniversary at the company and it’s funny that I felt like starting a blog that focuses on retirement.

Coincidence? Perhaps but not likely because I’m on vacation too and I’ve been thinking about starting a blog for some time now. Every day of my company paid time off gives me a glimpse of retirement. Sometimes I want to retire so bad I can taste it … thus, my blog is simply titled Tastes Like Retirement!

Mrs. TLR is without a doubt my better half and she’s been “holding down the fort” for the past 27 years of marriage as a stay-at-home mom and raising two wonderful girls. For a few years, she worked at the kid’s elementary school cafeteria as the cook but we got her out of there when I received a promotion at work.

Things haven’t always been easy and we’ve made a lot of sacrifices to live off only one income. You’ll read often that we are firm believers in the old adage “pay now or pay later but you’re going to pay.” That goes with raising kids or preparing for retirement.

Though we love our kids, want them to succeed, and we’ll always be there for them, we’d rather they not be boomerang kids or live in our basement when they are in their 30’s. So when it comes to our kids, we’ve been focused on paying now (money, time, effort, etc…) so that we don’t have to pay later when we are retired – at least that is the hope!

We invite you to follow our journey as we:

  • Achieve Mr. TLR’s retirement within 5 years – the goal is 62
  • Build our investment portfolio – taxable and 401(k)
  • Track dividend income and total returns
  • Track and manage our expenses
  • Explore long-term care, social security, Roth IRA conversions, and much more!

I’m absolutely sure we’ll make some mistakes along the way though I’m confident that we’ll educate you and ourselves during the process. So thanks in advance for coming along on the ride.

And as I’ll say after each post, thanks for reading!